Monday, December 31, 2007

the eve of the new year

Well, thank goodness for our organization of time. Without it, things would just be a mess. It seems to work out fairly well. Time hasn't stopped I guess it's working...right?

It is time to celebrate the new year! Well...that is if use the calendar that says that it is going to be 2008 tomorrow. I know the Chinese new year is a little ways away and if you're Jewish, it already happened. But for everybody else, it's time to par-tay! Well...that is if you're not boring like me.

Yeah, I'll probably go to bed by 10pm tonight. Oh well.

What do you do on New Year's Eve? I used to have a tradition when I was younger. Do you remember "Snick" on Nickelodeon? It was short for Saturday Night Nick. They had shows like Roundhouse, Ren and Stimpy, and The Adventures of Pete and Pete. Well, every year they would show a marathon of Pete and Pete. I used to LOVE that show. I still have them all on tape. Yeah, on VHS. They would have a marathon until the New Year's Eve episode and then it was Midnight. I would open the door and go outside for a second and breathe in the cool air of the new year. Then I would go to bed.

Now, since there is no Pete and Pete, I just go to bed. Dang...I've gotten old!

I'd love to hear your traditions. Even if you don't do them anymore. Maybe I will watch some Pete and Pete episodes tonight...just for fun. I'll probably fall asleep on the couch, but whatever, I don't have to work tomorrow!


I'm off to go get my noisemakers and party hats ready.



Friday, December 28, 2007

wrenches and malls

Ok, so this is the last time I'm going to report about my vacation and holiday. I think...

I have an Uncle who always gets something for everybody. It's usually something unusual. Actually, it's always something unusual. This year I got Wrenchware. What is wrenchware? It is silverware with wrenching uses.

Ok...think of a fork...with a wrench on the handle. That is wrenchware. At first you might think this is silly, but it's not. How often have you needed to tighten a bolt when eating dinner? Very often! I know, it happens all the time!

Me: Yummy...this meal, which I am eating with a fork, is fantastic!

Sink: Clunk! Clink! Clurunk!

Me: Hot Diggity! The sink is angry about something!

Sink: Grunk!

Me: I bet it needs a bolt tightening...but I don't want to stop eating dinner...what should I do?

Sink: Krkrkrkrk!

Me: Wait! I know! I have a wrench on my fork! I don't have to stop eating! I can fix and eat at the same time!

(munching and bolt tightening sound effex ensue)

Me: Perfect. Both the dinner and the sink.

Sink: Ahhhh...much better. Thank you.

I'm sure you can understand now.

Do you ever get odd gifts? It could be Christmas or your birthday or whatever you want. What is it?

I'm also curious about your holiday traditions. I have one where I play Mall Madness with my cousins. I don't know how it started...or why it continues, but I play on and rock it out. I can find sales like you wouldn't believe. It's a bit odd, but it's fun.

Do you have any traditions that seem a little different?

I think that's all I have today. It was a long post, but I didn't post for a week before I got back, so I'm just making up for it.

I have to go practice my Mall Madness.



Thursday, December 27, 2007

Unicorn Park

Hi folks. Over vacation I was lucky enough to find the secret entrance to Unicorn Park. When the conditions are absolutely perfect, you can take a wrong exit off of 93 in Woburn, MA and end up in Unicorn Park.

Unfortunately, we got there as the mist was falling and hiding the magical land of Unicorn Park.

It's actually a real place. I'm not sure what they have there, but I would imagine that it's a park designed for unicorn toddlers to play. You know, special slides and swings that can accommodate unicorn shapes and horns.

I think they have trees made of candy and they grow back very quickly so you can always eat them. Even the grass is candy.

There are always rainbows in unicorn park. AND in the winter, when the snow is falling, there are snowbows. Unicorns love snowbows.

I did not get to see any unicorns, but hopefully someday, I can take a wrong exit again and play at unicorn park.

I promise that tomorrow I won't talk about unicorns or rainbows. It's getting a little too crazy here.

I'm off to get lost in Woburn.



Wednesday, December 26, 2007

post-vacation post

Hi there! I'm back from vacation and I have a LOT to tell. I think I'm going to do a little at a time so I don't overwhelm you with awesome news. I've seen reports of people getting too much awesomeness and then needing medical attention from awesome overdose.

I care so much about you that I won't let that happen. I think there was a commercial once about that. It was some sort of alert thing you wore. This old lady fell over and pressed the button and said, "I've gotten too much awesome and I can't get up!" and then the hospital sent somebody over to fix her. It was very scary.

Today we'll talk about Nature. It's a show on PBS. Well, with the writer's strike, I gotta watch something! It's actually this really cool show and they had "Christmas in Yellowstone" on the other day. It had otters and foxes and animals doing stuff in the snow.

There was also a rainbow that seemed to be made of snow. I'm going to call it a "snowbow". It looked like a "bow" in the sky that was mostly pale and white. It was made of snow, but had an arch like a rainbow. Has anybody else ever seen this? It was pretty darn cool.

I did a look online, but couldn't find anything. I saw one website that said frozen water doesn't make rainbows, but they did not say if frozen water could make a snowbow. I think it can. I saw it. Would I lie? Nope, I would not!

That is all I have for today, and if you don't think a blog about a "snowbow" is good enough, then tomorrow be here for more unicorn talk. I know, it's a 4-year-old girl is writing this blog. Maybe I'm just paying Dina's daughter to do this so I don't have to. hmmmm....

I'm off to get some cash out...child labor isn't cheap!



Wednesday, December 19, 2007

winter solstice celebration

Happy Winter Celebration!

Is that too P.C. for you? Sorry. I like it better that way. When you say Happy Winter Celebration, it almost sounds like the WHOLE winter is a celebration. That would be way awesomer.

I say this now because I will not be at work again until Dec. 26. That's right, I have a few days of vacation left that I have to take because if I don't use them, they disappear. Let's use this idea for a couplet:

Those are my vacation days, and I will lose them
If, for one moment, I hesitate to use them.

Wasn't that fun?

Anyways, I will be celebrating underneath my silver tree. Yep, it's a very rare tree that is hard to find. I think its botanical name is Pine Silverado.

I had to go to the Silver Forest in Rainbow Land and cut down a silver pine. The forest is a little scary with all the griffins, but as long as you treat them with respect, they're cool. I said the magic words, "Emoc Htiw Em Revlis Eert Dna I Lliw Ekat Erac Fo Eeht" and then I had my silver tree!

It was fun day in Rainbow Land. It's hard to get to because you can only go there when there is a rainbow in the sky, and when you leave, you don't know where you'll end up. You leave wherever the rainbow is at that time. I got out in Hoboken...holding a silver tree. It looked a little weird, but I got home safely.

Ok, that's enough story for one day. I'll talk to everybody again next week! I hope you enjoy whatever you celebrate: Christmas, Boxing Day, Kwanzaa, or any other variation/combination.

And I leave you with Happy Winter Celebration!

I have to go find a rainbow...they have a FANTASTIC candy store in Rainbow Land...I need another fix...



Tuesday, December 18, 2007

every town in mass

My friends Bobb and Laura are doing something fun! They are going to go to every town and city in Mass and get their picture in front of the "welcome" sign. I decided to give them a little promotion because I think it's a grand idea.

This is their website:

That is all today.

I'm off to visit the 3 cities I'm allowed to go in.



Monday, December 17, 2007

I boogie down like a unicorn...

That's a line from the rock song in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I watched it again this weekend and heard that line during their dance. What a great line.

I do believe that I can actually boogie down like a unicorn. Have you ever seen a unicorn boogie down? It's pretty darn good. Think break dancing meets salsa. That's how they boogie down.

They can also spin on their horn. I'm serious. How rad is that? There are only a few unicorns out there who can do it, but it's brilliant!

I love unicorns. Some people think unicorns are wussy, but they are totally hardcore.

Think about it this way: If a horse is running headfirst at you and rams you, it's going to hurt. A lot! BUT you'll probably walk away with some broken ribs or something, right?

If a unicorn is running at you headfirst and rams you, you're gone! The End! Not so tough now, are you Mr. Horse! Unicorn took you out!

I mean, they're born with a weapon right on their noggin! Good stuff.

I really have to stop talking about unicorns.

I'm off to boogie down.



Friday, December 14, 2007

lazy poster boy

As in blog posting.

Sorry this week was so sparse with the blogging. It was truly a hectic week. As you may have heard, we lost power on Tuesday. I know some folks heard...or didn't hear because there was no radio for a while. Sorry! A hefty bird landed on the large "on" switch we have for our station. We couldn't figure out what happened until somebody found the door. It's really dark in the station when we lose power. It's a good thing Dina had her menorah set up for the last day of Hanukkah. Since it was on Tuesday, 7 candles were lit.

Then, on Wednesday (which I pronounce Wed-Nes-Day) I had to go fight the parking ticket I had. I got on my knees and pleaded with the court to let my ticket go. They let it go.

Actually, my very-prepared and intelligent friend came with me and brought along proof that I was actually at City Stage on the day in question and that I mailed them a ticket stub to validate my parking. They believed those rational reasons and let me go.

These are the reasons I didn't post all week!

Today? Well, it's late because I was supposed to be somewhere, but then I didn't have to be, so I decided to make up my horrible blogging badness by actually writing something.

Please forgive me. I beg you to let this minor mishap go! I plead to you like I plead to the Springfield Parking Authority (who I love dearly).

Ok, I'm done. I'm out like a bellybutton.



Thursday, December 13, 2007

snow days

Ok, so why is it that people think food will run out when snow is coming?

I have to go to the store to get some bread today. That's it. I have one end left.

When there is snow, it seems that everybody HAS to buy supplies just in case they are trapped in their home for a few months. People who would shop on Friday and Saturday will do it today.

Hmmm...It's going to be done by tomorrow!!!!!! You can pick up stuff tomorrow!!!!!

I just don't get it. I would understand if the weather said there would be snow and horrible weather for days, but it's going to be partly cloudy and 41 tomorrow. That sounds like great shopping weather.

I don't know what else to say about it. I'm just afraid of going shopping today. Maybe I'll go without food tonight and wait until tomorrow. Everybody should be done by then.

I'm off to toast the butt of the bread.



Friday, December 7, 2007

beep boop whistle bip

That's R2D2 talking. He says, "This is Awesome!"

How do I know that? This website:

You can type anything in and R2 will say it to you. Isn't that the best idea? I love it.

I'm sure I'd have more to say, but I'm having too much fun listening to R2.

whistle beep bop doot



Thursday, December 6, 2007

I fell down.

I got out of my car the other night and slipped on the ice. It was sweet! I have a few cuts on my hands now. It's cool, though, because it looks like I got into a fight. People probably wouldn't believe that I got into a REAL fight, so I'll just tell them I fought a really tough pony. I won't look very tough, but it'll sound tougher than saying I slipped on the ice. So here it is:

I was walking in the bad section of the stables when a pony just came out of nowhere! She was looking for trouble, that I could tell. I tried to walk away because I didn't want to cause a ruckus, but she wouldn't let up. She swatted her tail at me, so I fought back. She used her hooves to whack me around. I flailed my arms the best I could, but sadly she knocked me down and stole the cube of salt that I had on me. Now I just have a few cuts and scars to remember the incident. I don't know if I'll ever be able to play with a My Little Pony toy ever again. I really need some therapy.

I have to go put some fresh Care Bear sterile adhesives on.



Wednesday, December 5, 2007

miercoles salvajes

How fun is that phrase! I love it. It was on a flyer for Domino's pizza.

I like other phrases too. (segue) I was reading a box yesterday that made me laugh. Yeah, I read boxes for fun. I can't afford books, so I look for boxes on the side of the road and read them. Such is my exciting life.

Anyways, I was reading the box and it said, "Do Not Open With Sharp Instrument". That must be HILARIOUS to musicians. Can you imagine how often a violinist reads that and says, "Uh oh! I better make sure my A String is in tune! Ha!".

You can also see everybody else around them not laughing. Unless it's at a music store, then it's probably funny every time they get a shipment in. The tuba player probably always blows his spit valve. Boy, those musicians can be a hoot. They find THAT stuff funny, but it's only place they take the phrase "I need a G String" seriously.

Gotta love'em.

Ed. note: Let me help si none of this makes sense to you. Guitars, violins, cellos and other stringed instruments us the A, B, C, G, D...etc. strings. If the note sounds wrong, it could be sharp or flat. There's your music lesson for today. NOW my blog entry is funny! least it makes sense.

I have to go tune my cello.



Tuesday, December 4, 2007

happy hanukkah

It's Hanukkah tonight at sundown! Wooooo! Dina gets to light her menorah and eat a latke. It sounds almost like lighting the candles and eating a cake, but I'm pretty sure it's not a birthday party.

Dina says that I can get gold coins by spinning a dreidel. She is going to bring one in for me to play the "dreidel game". I hope I win a lot.

That's about it today! If you're Jewish, then enjoy the hanukkah. If you're not, eat some latke anyways. I've never had it, but I'm sure it's delicious. If they make it in gummy form, then I'm all over it.

