Wednesday, December 5, 2007

miercoles salvajes

How fun is that phrase! I love it. It was on a flyer for Domino's pizza.

I like other phrases too. (segue) I was reading a box yesterday that made me laugh. Yeah, I read boxes for fun. I can't afford books, so I look for boxes on the side of the road and read them. Such is my exciting life.

Anyways, I was reading the box and it said, "Do Not Open With Sharp Instrument". That must be HILARIOUS to musicians. Can you imagine how often a violinist reads that and says, "Uh oh! I better make sure my A String is in tune! Ha!".

You can also see everybody else around them not laughing. Unless it's at a music store, then it's probably funny every time they get a shipment in. The tuba player probably always blows his spit valve. Boy, those musicians can be a hoot. They find THAT stuff funny, but it's only place they take the phrase "I need a G String" seriously.

Gotta love'em.

Ed. note: Let me help si none of this makes sense to you. Guitars, violins, cellos and other stringed instruments us the A, B, C, G, D...etc. strings. If the note sounds wrong, it could be sharp or flat. There's your music lesson for today. NOW my blog entry is funny! least it makes sense.

I have to go tune my cello.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's funny even if you are not a musician.