Thursday, December 13, 2007

snow days

Ok, so why is it that people think food will run out when snow is coming?

I have to go to the store to get some bread today. That's it. I have one end left.

When there is snow, it seems that everybody HAS to buy supplies just in case they are trapped in their home for a few months. People who would shop on Friday and Saturday will do it today.

Hmmm...It's going to be done by tomorrow!!!!!! You can pick up stuff tomorrow!!!!!

I just don't get it. I would understand if the weather said there would be snow and horrible weather for days, but it's going to be partly cloudy and 41 tomorrow. That sounds like great shopping weather.

I don't know what else to say about it. I'm just afraid of going shopping today. Maybe I'll go without food tonight and wait until tomorrow. Everybody should be done by then.

I'm off to toast the butt of the bread.




Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure that you have enough cereal to survive quite a while.

Anonymous said...

I am with you, Lopez.
It seems whenever snow is in the forecast, people go to the grocery store and shop for enough food for the next month. What if the power goes out? They lose all that food anyways. It never made sense to me, and I am a sociologist!

Anonymous said...

ha! I do have a "wall of kashi" to keep me happy and my belly full.

I can even boggle a sociologist. I knew I should have gone into sociology boggling.

Anonymous said...

I work at Big Y and any mention of snow brings out TONS of people!! It's not like they are going to be snowed in for months or even days! I totally agree with your blog!