Friday, December 28, 2007

wrenches and malls

Ok, so this is the last time I'm going to report about my vacation and holiday. I think...

I have an Uncle who always gets something for everybody. It's usually something unusual. Actually, it's always something unusual. This year I got Wrenchware. What is wrenchware? It is silverware with wrenching uses.

Ok...think of a fork...with a wrench on the handle. That is wrenchware. At first you might think this is silly, but it's not. How often have you needed to tighten a bolt when eating dinner? Very often! I know, it happens all the time!

Me: Yummy...this meal, which I am eating with a fork, is fantastic!

Sink: Clunk! Clink! Clurunk!

Me: Hot Diggity! The sink is angry about something!

Sink: Grunk!

Me: I bet it needs a bolt tightening...but I don't want to stop eating dinner...what should I do?

Sink: Krkrkrkrk!

Me: Wait! I know! I have a wrench on my fork! I don't have to stop eating! I can fix and eat at the same time!

(munching and bolt tightening sound effex ensue)

Me: Perfect. Both the dinner and the sink.

Sink: Ahhhh...much better. Thank you.

I'm sure you can understand now.

Do you ever get odd gifts? It could be Christmas or your birthday or whatever you want. What is it?

I'm also curious about your holiday traditions. I have one where I play Mall Madness with my cousins. I don't know how it started...or why it continues, but I play on and rock it out. I can find sales like you wouldn't believe. It's a bit odd, but it's fun.

Do you have any traditions that seem a little different?

I think that's all I have today. It was a long post, but I didn't post for a week before I got back, so I'm just making up for it.

I have to go practice my Mall Madness.




Anonymous said...

What is the "Mall Madness" game? Simply going out and trying to buy things on sale after the holiday?

The weirdest holiday gift I've ever gotten? This device you put an apple in and turn a crank and it rotates the apple and peels it for you. This really big, clunky device-- all to save you the trouble of peeling an apple by hand. It may still be in my parent's basement somewhere.....

Anonymous said...

I think "wrenches and malls" should be the name of the Getting Beat Up By Girls greatest hits album.
Enjoy your new year.