Tuesday, March 11, 2008

you rock!

That has a dual meaning today. Thank you for helping us out again this year for the CMN Radiothon. We had a great year.

ALSO! "You Rock" is the message I got playing Guitar Hero on PlayStation. I'm not too hip with the video games. I don't have time with all the comic books I read. Yeah. I'm old-fashioned. BUT I did hang out on the play deck at the hospital and played Guitar Hero for the first time. It was AWESOME!

It's really fun. It's not like playing real guitar at all, but it's still great. You have to tap buttons to match up with the buttons when they pass by on the screen. I got the new high score!

So, if anybody was to ever question whether I rock or not. It is now official. I do, in fact, ROCK! Ain't no thang...it's just what I do.

Seriously, though, I looked like a complete dork playing it. I was jumping around pretending I was really playing a rock show. Trust me...on stage, it's cool, in a hospital, you look like a geek jumping around getting too involved in a video game. Ah well...at least the game thinks I rock.

I'm off to get back to my job. What do I do, you ask???? Why, I rock!!!! I just do the radio thing to make money...ok...well it's not much, but it buys me food. If only rockin' paid at all....




Anonymous said...

You rock. I rock. Let's rock together.

Anonymous said...

Did your eyes start to bug out after a while on Guitar Hero? Mine do!