Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Ha! I mean pie! Math jokes are funny!

Whoooo! Ok, take a deep breath. Wow...that was funny. Phew!

Now that we're composed, let us talk about pie!

We read some survey this morning that said apple pie the number one pie. I am NOT a fan of apple pie. I like apples, just not in pie form. I don't know why. What pie do you love?

The reason why pies are great is because they are a healthier to eat than cake. I mean, most of them have fruit as a filling. You can't get much better than fruit! Heck, some pies even get gourds in them! Look at the ever-popular pumpkin pie. I don't like pumpkin pie either, but I know a lot of people who do. My brother does.

My favorite pies are cherry pie and lemon meringue pie. There are some blueberry pies that are good too. All of them have fruit! Look at me being healthy. It was genius to put a lot of sugar on fruit to make it taste better.

person 1: This fruit tastes healthy. How can we make fruit taste awesome?

person 2: I like sugar a lot. What if we added sugar to fruit? Maybe some goo-stuff to let it soak in?

person 1: oh. my. god. That's brilliant! We could do the same thing with gourds!

person 2: Gourds?!?!?! That's stupid.

person 1: You're right. That would never catch on.

Little did they know...

Go enjoy some pie on thanksgiving. Go enjoy some pie right now! Who cares if it's on thanksgiving or not!

I'm off to get my 5 servings of fruit. Gooey, yummy, sugary fruit...



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