Friday, November 30, 2007


It turns out that people read less. There was a study done and they put out a 99-page report to tell us that. Seriously? Why so long? Can I get the Cliffs Notes version?

It has inspired me to keep my blog postings shorter. I don't know how long that will last, but I shall try!

It said people don't read for pleasure. Who has the time for that? I barely have time to watch 5 hours of TV every day! Where can I find the time to read!

I do read a lot of comic books, but that's not for pleasure, that's an addiction. I swear they line the pages of comics with something because if I don't get the smell of "comic book" every few hours I'll go into shock.

I think it's also made me allergic to real books because when I try to read a novel I get a rash and have to use my epi-pen. hehe...epi-pens are fun.

You probably haven't even read this far because it's too long. Sorry!

I have to go get my fix.




Anonymous said...

I still read, but nothing serious. who reads stuff like War and Peace!

Anonymous said...

I think the study points out that no one will read the 99 page report... So why the hell did they publish it?
-Long time, no read because I have no time...