Friday, November 9, 2007

I would not advise that course of action, Michael.

Sounds like something Kitt from Knight Rider would say, doesn't it? I bring that up because we were talking about things we kept from our childhood and I kept my Cabbage Patch Kid. His name is Michael Knight. Yes, just like David Hasselhoff.

He generally sits in my apartment and rocks, but right now he's rehearsing at city stage for the play WE are in. That's right, he's in it too.

What's that I hear? Could it be the sound of a plug coming? YES! Wait...did you say shameless? You are absolutely right!

This is the last weekend of my play "The Heidi Chronicles". It's Friday and Saturday night at 8pm and Sunday at 3pm. It's at City Stage in downtown Springfield. Tickets are $18.

Everybody does a fantastic job. You should come see it just to watch the talent these actors have.

That is all for today. I have to go run my lines so I don't forget them tonight.

What character am I playing again...




Anonymous said...

Go to the play if you can. It rocks with Michael Knight!

Anonymous said...

I have a little stuffed animal bunny that I named Bubbles from my childhood, who still lives with me. I am convinced that some day, he will become real, just like the Velveteen Rabbit. Most of my nieces and nephews have piles of toys that dance, sing or squawk. I don't think they have half of the soul or imagination of the toys I used to have and most are tossed out when they break. May each child have a well loved and well worn toy that they carry into adulthood with them..... Michael Knight rocks and he rocks HARD. And dammit, Bubbles rocks too.

Anonymous said...

I'm terrified of Michael Knight. There's something about him that just creeps me out. Maybe it's the bald head. It's a good thing that it was covered up in the play... otherwise, I probably would have run out screaming! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey-what role did Michael Knight play? The daughter? Why did he not have a bio in the program? I would love to see who M.K. would thank!!