Thursday, January 17, 2008


Hi again. I read an article that people who fast have less heart disease.

Who am I to argue with scientific research! I decided to try it, so yesterday I ate everything faster. It was tough, but I want a healthy heart!

I CAN tell you that my tummy is still feeling icky from my fasting yesterday, but I'm pretty sure my heart is happy. It's thumping like crazy! It must be excited that I'm fasting!

I can't wait to fast again. I don't think I'm supposed to do it everyday because the article said it worked for people who "fast regularly". Though, maybe if I do it EVERY day, I'll have the healthiest heart on the planet! My heart would beat faster than everybody else's!


(That's the sound of my speedy heart.)

Ok, I'm off to eat fast.




Anonymous said...

Lopez, don't go all Nicole Richie on us!

I am very sad because as much as I love ice cream (and I dearly, dearly love ice cream in a very tender, hand holding, poetry writing, full blown commitment ceremony kind of way) ice cream doesn't seem to love me. Is it possible to develop dairy issues later in life? Meh!!!!!

I will be devastated if ice cream breaks up with me, but I think he has his bags packed and hidden by the door.....

Anonymous said...

That's when you tell the ice cream to "don't go!!!!!!"

That's a joke only 5 other people will get, but it's really what you should say to ice cream.

I think ice cream does love, but just doesn't know how to show you that love anymore. You should teach ice cream how to love again.

Anonymous said...

I think fasting means not eating anything. Some people call it cleansing. Your method probably has your heart beating harder in fear.

Anonymous said...
