Friday, January 4, 2008

rob thomas

We were talking about Rob Thomas today. He did the song for a commercial for the History Channel today. It's a cool tune.

Chris said that the History Channel is now cool. He was close. The History Channel was ALWAYS cool.

They did a show about how the earth was made. It had a professor from Mount Holyoke talking about plate tectonics. I don't remember his name, but if you have him as a teacher, tell him I said hi. And ask him how I can get on the History Channel.

As some of you know, I do a little acting. Whenever I watch a show on the History Channel, I always want to be a part of it. They get a ton of actors playing a genius in history or doing battles in ancient Rome and Greece. How cool would it be to get to wear a toga and carry a sword and a shield? I could be a Roman commander of some sort. Awesome.

Well, I hope everybody has a great weekend. I have to work on my Latin if I'm going to get a part.

Semper ubi sub ubi!




Anonymous said...

Amo how you play fast and loose with Latin phrases.

Anonymous said...

Ha! I should do it more often! In pictura est puella nomen Flavia.

(That's the first sentence I ever learned...and the last thing I remember from Latin.)

Anonymous said...

"Ego amo ranae" was my first Latin phrase. Mr. Lynch taught you a cooler first phrase in Latin 1 than Ms. Maseidvaag did for me! She was a cool teacher, though, and she did teach me semper ubi sub ubi, of course!
Veni, vidi, vici,
big sis